Meet The Vloggers LA - Gena Haskell

Gena gave a fantastic presentation in the Apple store at The Grove in LA on September 21, 2005. Approximately 10 minute MP3 (8.6Mb). There is a tiny gap at around 6 min 37 sec where I stupidly turned off the camera for a moment and then restarted. It was really dark, making for a poor image, and so I just extracted the audio portion.

Podcast Click here to listen .

Leah Meyerhoff's Film Twitch at the Ojai Film Festival

I was at the Ojai Film Festival to participate in a panel discusion on "Distribution in the Digital Age".  Just as we were all finishing up and walking out of the auditorium, this young lady came up to us promoting her filmand I asked her to describe it for us on camera.

Here is a brief interview with one of the film makers associated with the "Into The Limelight" shorts collections.  Click the pic to view the vid.


Upcoming Events

Lots of great events are taking place on this week and next ...

The Ojai Film Festival starts Thursday. I will be participating in a discussion of "Video Distribution in the Digital Age" on Saturday morning.

On Friday at 7pm, there is another Meet The Vloggers presentation at the Apple Store at the Grove in Los Angeles.

Next Wednesday at 6pm, JD Lasica and Doc Searls will be speaking at UC Santa Barbara.

See the sidebar for links.

The next videoblogging workshops are planned for 7pm Wednesday, October 26th (field trip to UCSB) and 1pm Saturday October 29th (open clinic).

More Video and Blogging in Ojai

Joe sent us an email yesterday with a link to some recent video he shot at Ojai day. Thanks Joe! We hope you post more video and set up an RSS feed so we can know when you upload more great vids.

Saturday Workshop

It seems like today was more like a clinic. One person came who we had met at the meetup in Ventura last month. It does not matter how many people show up. One is nice, because I can geive them all my attention. She left after we had overcome a very basic issue that I see people struggle every day.

Even on a Mac, you can't always drag and drop a file from the camera to iMovie. Sometimes you have to go from camera to desktop and then to iMovie. Same for MovieMaker on the PC. Some cameras appear as drives on a computer when you connect them with a USB or Firewire cable and everything works as expected, but some use a special "camera browser" application that may provde all kinds of nifty features EXCEPT the ability to seemlessly drag video to an editor. It's amazing how inconsistant these applications can be.

The solution was to simply walk through the process of creating and uploading a video to see the issue. She left the workshop saying she was all inspired to be creative with her blog and camera. I can't wait to see what she does. She also has some great ideas about how she can use videoblogs with her work and I hope she continues to explore that and, hopefully, vlog about it.

Wednesday Workshop

We had a small group last night. Didj, Alicia and I watched some cool new vlogs and discussed upcoming events. We enjoyed good conversation and a really great bottle of wine and hardly spoke of technical matters at all.

Didj has a great site called Bardo Surfer and has even linked to the video we all made at the first meeting.

Field Trip

A few of us went down to see Kenyatta Cheese and Justin Hall kick off a Portable Video workshop series. Tonight's topic was videoblogging. Ojai represent! The USC Zemeckies Media Center was a great environment for the workshop. I wish I had just one or two of the over dozen projectors used in the room. Kenyatta was just in town for a day or two, but Justin is planning to hold several more workshops over the next few months. I hope to attend more.

For information about Justin Hall's Portable Video Workshops, visit

Here's a short video (3 minutes) of our trek to Los Angeles. Click the pic to view the vid.

Dojo Kity

I caught Jimmy sleeping in the Digital Dojo early one morning.

Soon things won't be so quiet and Jimmy will need to find another place to relax.

Click the pic to view the vid.

Field Trip To USC This Week

Kenyatta Cheese is visiting Los Angeles this week. He and Justin Hall are holding a workshop at USC in "Portable Media" this Wednesday, October 5th from 6pm-9pm. We will probably go out for beer and burgers afterwards.

Based on the description, it sounds like they are covering videoblogging a'la much as we have been doing in our workshops at the Digital Dojo. It will be interesting to see how they do it and to meet these well known videoblogging pioneers.

Call 805.640.8547, if you are interested in carpooling to the event in LA. We are planning on departing Ojai around 4pm.

The next Ojai videoblogging workshops will be Wednesday, October 12th and Saturday, October 15th (see sidebar for links).

Next Workshop

The next Wednesday evening videoblogging workshop is planned for October 12th, 2005. This is an open workshop based on the material presented at See this post for more information on past workshops.

Don't worry if you are new to all this, you can jump on in anytime and if you're already a pro at video, audio, web services or tools, then come on over and help other people to learn the things they need to "be the media".

Please RSVP at 805.640.8547 if you plan to join us.