Final Cut Pro Workshops in February

Several folks have asked for some Final Cut Pro workshops and we are planning some for February. Please leave a comment or call us if you are interested in attending. We are tentaively planning on the 5th and/or the 19th.

Update: At the recent BE THE MEDIA meetup, people met to dicuss these workshops and it was decided that we would meet Sunday, Feb 12th 1:30-3:30pm for a project-oriented workshop. Folks indicated that it would be fun to make a short group video about what we are doing at the dojo node for use at presentation that Roger of 93mm is coordinating in LA in March. Ionia Kershaw will lead the workshop and there will be people with all skill levels (including little or none).

Local Meetup

We're planning another local meetup for folks who are interested in blogs, vlogs, podcasts and being the media. All are welcome, newbies and experts alike. We're getting together at Zoey's in Ventura. They have wireless, so bring our laptop or pda and show your stuff. Come make new friends and learn about what others are doing with new media on the web. Be part of the new media revolution! Tuesday, January 31st at 7:30pm. Here's is a map to Zoey's; it's located at 451 East Main Street. Lot's of parking nearby.


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