Gena from
Out on the Stoop sums it up well ...
Josh is being held for refusing to release the un-aired tapes he shot at a protest meeting. According to the SF Chronicle article, he could be in the slammer for up to a year.
Tell somebody and have them tell somebody else. This young man has no business being in jail, prison, detention or being a guest of the current administration.
He does need $15,0000 to mount an appeal. If you are able, go ahead and bust open the piggy bank. Send whatever you can. There is a link on
his blog for donations.
Josh Wolf's July 19th Video PostIf you are an American, you know that this is wrong. If you are not an American I'm telling you this is not our way. You can't force someone to give up his property, especially under these conditions.
If you want to find out what the fuss is about check out'm not asking you to agree or disagree with Josh's decision or the Feds. I'm asking that you inform yourself of this situation and then do what you believe to be the right thing. Another way to help is to visit the
Free Josh Wolf wiki to help build support for Josh.
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