Free Podcasting Workshop
Welcome to new Carpenteria resident Jason who requested a podcasting workshop. Let's have some fun talking about video and audio podcasting basics. For a change of pace, this time we'll be emphasizing audio, keeping in mind that much of what we share will apply to video as well. Jason's also into Drupal and so we'll say a few words about building your own podcasting site with tools like Drupal. Bring your laptop and microphone or camera if you have one. Mac, Windows and Linux friendly. Everyone is welcome, please leave a comment if you plan to attend.
Thursday, October 9th, 2008, 2pm-4pm at the Ojai Digital Dojo.
* Free and open source software and services. Commercial products.
* Capturing, converting and compressing audio. Using Audacity. Garageband.
* Finding and using media players. Playlists and multiple files.
* Hosting at the Internet Archive and others. Free and paid services.
* Blogs, sites, urls, feeds and aggregators. Feedburner, Drupal and more.
* Promoting your podcast. iTunes, Ourmedia and other services.